Home Best of the Internet 32 Things Basically Every Person On Earth Has Experienced Once In Their Life But Would Never Admit In A Million Years 1 day ago 1 day ago Best of the Internet 32 Things Basically Every Person On Earth Has Experienced Once In Their Life But Would Never Admit In A Million Years by pranav panchal 1 day ago1 day ago 0views 0 Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn 32 Things Basically Every Person On Earth Has Experienced Once In Their Life But Would Never Admit In A Million Years 1. The foolproof way to save you from falling over: 3. The immediate amnesia: 4. The shattering of all society’s rules and laws: 5. The lifelong friendship with some rando: 7. Smoke playing tricks on you: 8. The potato masher playing tricks: 9. The game of phone tag: 14. The unfathomably bright lights of all those new cars: 15. The calf cramp from Hell: 16. The HUGE difference in rating: 17. The YouTube validation: 20. The immediate explosion in volume: 22. The card game struggle: 25. The phone call wander: 26. The natural progression: 27. The struggle to stay sleepy: 28. The Google superiority: 29. Those numbers adding up: 30. The phone call denial: 31. The necessary dismantling: 32. And the eternal timer being set: Please leave this field empty Don’t miss the Buzz! We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for more info. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Post PaginationPrevious PostPreviousNext PostNext Like it? Share with your friends! 0 What's Your Reaction? hate 0 hate confused 0 confused fail 0 fail fun 0 fun geeky 0 geeky love 0 love lol 0 lol omg 0 omg win 0 win Posted by pranav panchal 0 Comments Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Previous Post Dove Cameron 'Surprised Herself' by Going Back to Blonde (Exclusive) by pranav panchal Next Post Benson Boone Talks Mormonism, Political Views, Album by pranav panchal
1. The foolproof way to save you from falling over: 3. The immediate amnesia: 4. The shattering of all society’s rules and laws: 5. The lifelong friendship with some rando: 7. Smoke playing tricks on you: 8. The potato masher playing tricks: 9. The game of phone tag: 14. The unfathomably bright lights of all those new cars: 15. The calf cramp from Hell: 16. The HUGE difference in rating: 17. The YouTube validation: 20. The immediate explosion in volume: 22. The card game struggle: 25. The phone call wander: 26. The natural progression: 27. The struggle to stay sleepy: 28. The Google superiority: 29. Those numbers adding up: 30. The phone call denial: 31. The necessary dismantling: 32. And the eternal timer being set: