Savannah Guthrie’s Cutest Family Photos as She Celebrates 11th Wedding Anniversary


Savannah Guthrie is not only one of the beloved hosts on the Today show bringing us news, laughs and powerful stories every morning, but she is also a devout family woman.

The Australian native married her husband Michael Feldman on March 15, 2014, and the two have been living happily ever after since. The lovebirds expanded their nest and welcomed two kids — daughter Vale, 10, and son Charles a.k.a Charley, 8.

And while Guthrie consistently gives fans a glimpse of what it’s behind-the-scenes of the Today show, the proud mom’s Instagram page is also filled with sweet moments shared with her family.

From surprise visits, to fun family trips to more private moments at home, check out Savannah Guthrie’s family photos below, as she and Feldman celebrate 11 years together!

Go Birds!

Savannah Guthrie Family.

Savannah Guthrie/Instagram

It was serious business for the Guthrie-Feldman brood as they supported the Philadelphia Eagles during a game back in January.

Always Together

Savannah Guntrie and Jenna Bush Hager with kids at white house.


Guthrie and Vale seemed to be having the time of their lives while celebrating Christmas with Jenna Bush Hager and her daughter Mila.

Happy Holidays

Savannah Guthrie Family.

Savannah Guthrie/Instagram

Guthrie and her family were “so very merry!” in matching pajamas while celebrating Christmas last December.


Savannah Guthrie Family.

Savannah Guthrie/Instagram

The family looked well-rested and sunkissed in this sweet picture posted to commemorate Feldman’s birthday in October.

All Hallows Eve

Savannah Guthrie Family.

Savannah Guthrie/Instagram

“This is Halloween night!” the proud mom captioned this sweet pic featured in a carousel dedicated to their Halloween festivities last October.

When in Paris

Savannah Guthrie and daughter Vale.

Savannah Guthrie/Instagram

Guthrie and Vale snapped this gorgeous picture featuring the Eiffel Tower as the family accompanied her to cover the Paris Olympics last summer.

Over the Moon

Savannah Guthrie, Michael Feldman, and children Vale and Charley.

Savannah Guthrie/Instagram

Michael and Charley later joined in on the picturesque background.

Go Sports!

Savannah Guthrie, Michael Feldman, and son Charley.

Savannah Guthrie/Instagram

Clearly, Charley was stoked about all the action as the eight-year-old was pictured cheering in this selfie.

Oh, Happy Day

Savannah Guthrie, Michael Feldman, and children Vale and Charley.

Savannah Guthrie/Instagram

The family looked extra sharp in their Easter best last year.

Mingling with Legends

Savannah’s kids meet Roger Federer and Steph Curry.

Savannah Guthrie/Instagram

When your mom has a cool job, you get to meet cool people. Vale and Charley are pictured with their mom and sports legends Roger Federer and Steph Curry while on the set of the Today show.

Giving Thanks

Savannah Guthrie with Husband Michael Feldman and Their Two Kids.

Savannah Guthrie/Instagram

It’s not Thanksgiving unless you’re surrounded by family and Guthrie’s brood came to support her as she worked the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade back in 2023.

Happiest Place on Earth

Savannah Guthrie and her family.

Savannah Guthrie/Instagram

Guthrie and Feldman took their mini-mes for a magical family vacation to Disney World in March 2023.

Happy Mother’s Day

Savannah Guthrie and children Vale and Charley.

Savannah Guthrie/Instagram

“There’s only one mommy in our family and she keeps it all together. Happy Mother’s Day, @savannahguthrie!” Feldman wrote of his wife on Mother’s Day 2023.

Happy Father’s Day!

Michael Feldman, and children Vale and Charley.

Savannah Guthrie/Instagram

The true marker of a parent is acting silly just so your kids can get a good chuckle and Savannah caught Michael in action, in this cute pic posted to celebrate Father’s Day.

Always and Forever

Savannah Guthrie and husband Michael Feldman.

Savannah Guthrie/Instagram

“Happy Birthday, honey. I love getting older with you,” Feldman captioned this adorable flick posted in celebration of Guthrie’s birthday in 2022.

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