“When I was in college, I was in a student group. One of the other members was in a fraternity (it was not a group that lent itself to the sort of thing fraternity members would like). After one meeting, he was clearly in a bad mood and we asked what that was all about, and when we found out we were all boggled.”
“The upcoming week was a long weekend, and this guy’s girlfriend’s parents were going out of town, and she had invited him over to spend the weekend alone with her. However, this weekend was also a weekend when there was some college football game, and the fraternity was having a watch party. When he told his fraternity brothers that he could not go to the watch party because he was going to go spend the weekend alone with his girlfriend, they…accused him of being gay, and not a ‘real man’. Because the thing a ‘real’ straight hetero man would prefer doing was spending all weekend with a bunch of other men, NOT spending all weekend having sex with his girlfriend.”